Missions Conference 2007
What an exciting conference! We heard from many different missionaries about their field work and deputation travels. It has been a very awesome time! I have been challenged in my own life about my willingness to serve as a missionary. Even as an M.K. (Missionary's kid, for those of you who don't know :-} ), I had to examine my own life and see if I really was willing to surrender to that kind of ministry. One mission field that has been brought to my attention several times within the past 6 months is that of Zambia, Africa. A missionary from my church, Eve a Douglas, is on deputation to go to Zambia as a full-time missionary. Her neice and I have been talking about going there for about a year, give or take, to help out with the ministry. Then another missionary came to the conference and presented his ministry in Zambia as well. Phil Hunt has been in Zambia since 1992. Some of his areas of ministry include Central African Baptist College and Faith Children's Village Orphanage. I was ready to jump on the plane and fly to Zambia after hearing and seeing the presentation. But I can't allow my emotions to get in the way of what's really there, and what I'm not seeing. I have to make sure that my decisions are based on God's will for my life. Whether or not God has me going to Zambia, I need to be willing to go anywhere that He might have me go, and also be a missionary where I'm at now.
That's another thing. Missions is not all about going overseas. It's about being a missionary to the people around you where you live. All God's children are missionaries. You don't have to go on deputation, to raise money, to travel all over the country in order to be a missionary. You can be a missionary at your workplace, at your school, in your grocery store, gas station, restaurant, the list goes on. People don't seem to get every aspect involved in missions. If we can only see what is going on around us, and take action in reaching out, we will be able to see the fruit of our labor, and also eventually see even more missionaries come out of the evangelism.
The Apostle Paul is one missionary that fascinates me, the one I consider my 'favorite' missionary. His life is reflective of what a true missionary should be. He suffered torment, near-death situations, imprisonment, rejection - he suffered it all! And yet, he did not give up and leave the ministry because things got tough. NO! He counted it a joy to suffer for Christ! But there came a time when he was ready to go Home. In Philippians, he said, "Yes, and I will rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus, because of my coming to you again."
Paul had a desire to be with his Maker. What child of God wouldn't? Or rather, why do God's children not desire that? Paul was ready to go home, but he knew that his mission was not complete. He knew God had more work for him to do. Paul said, "it is better for you." In speaking to the Philippians, he was saying, "For your sake, I will continue on the ministry God gave me a burden for." Is it selfish to want to leave this world, even the ministry God gave him, to want to be gone from all this sin? I don't think so. Paul didn't view it that way. He put the needs of others in front of his own desires.
So I have to ask myself this question: Is "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" my life's philosophy? Or is, "For me to live is gain, and to die is Christ"? I have to clearly evaluate my life, leaving no area out, and ask myself if I am truly willing to die for the cause of Christ. And is it such a desire in my heart to go Home that I get homesick? Or do I dread the thought of dying? I want to go to Heaven. No questions about that. But is it such a desire in my life that I can't desire anything other than being with my Savior?
I can't wish away my life, though. I need to consider the ministry that God has given me to do to further His Kingdom. I need to re-evaluate what I'm doing with my life and take into consideration what I need to do to reach out to people for Him. If I get too caught up in the materialistic part of life, then I allow the world's view of life and death to cloud God's view. I can't allow that.
I have so many things running through my head about this whole thing, that nothing may seem to make sense. Most likely this whole posting is a series of rabbit trails and ramblings. But I know what I mean, and I hope that it's a challenge to any that read this.
Prepare for Rain.
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